1. Functional Dependencies are the types of constraints that are based on______

Answer. Key

2. Which is a bottom-up approach to database design that design by examining the relationship between attributes:

3. There are two functional dependencies with the same set of attributes on the left side of the arrow: A->BC A->B This can be combined as

Answer. A->BC

4. Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D,E) with the following functional dependencies: ABC -> DE and D -> AB The number of superkeys of R is:

Answer. 10

5. The algorithm that takes a set of dependencies and adds one schema at a time, instead of decomposing the initial schema repeatedly is

6. The functional dependency can be tested easily on the materialized view, using the constraints ____________.

7. Which forms has a relation that possesses data about an individual entity?

Answer. 4NF

8. If a multivalued dependency holds and is not implied by the corresponding functional dependency, it usually arises from one of the following sources.

9. Suppose the user finds the usage of room number and phone number in a relational schema there is confusion.This is reduced by

10. What is the best way to represent the attributes in a large database?