1. In the __________ normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.

Answer. First

2. A table on the many side of a one to many or many to many relationship must:

3. We can use the following three rules to find logically implied functional dependencies. This collection of rules is called

4. Pseudotransitivity rule is not Armstrong's Axiom true or false?

Answer. true

5. A relation is in ____________ if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of other composite key.

Answer. 3NF

6. What are the desirable properties of a decomposition

7. The normal form which satisfies multivalued dependencies and which is in BCNF is

Answer. 4 NF

8. Multivalued dependencies is a tuple-generating dependencies true or false ?

Answer. true

9. _____________ can help us detect poor E-R design.

10. If a multivalued dependency holds and is not implied by the corresponding functional dependency, it usually arises from one of the following sources.
• A many-to-many relationship set
• multivalued attribute of an entity set
• A one-to-many relationship set
• Both A many-to-many relationship set and A multivalued attribute of an entity set