1. In LISP, the function X (x). (2x+l) would be rendered as ?

2. A natural language generation program must decide ?

Answer. what to say

3. The hardware features of LISP machines generally include ?

4. In which areas may ICAI programs prove to be useful ?

5. A network with named nodes and labeled arcs that can be used to represent certain natural language grammars to facilitate parsing.

6. A true statement related to 'Satisfiable' property.

7. A function is used as preferences over state history.

Answer. Reward

8. Which kind of agent architecture should an agent an use ?

1. Relaxed
2. Relational
3. Logic
4. All of the above

9. Specify the agent architecture name that is used to capture all kinds of actions.

Answer. Hybrid

10. An agent enables the deliberation about the computational entities and actions ?

Answer. Reflective

11. What can operate over the joint state space ?