1. A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not demonstrate the artificial Intelligence, Presently, this technique is called ?

Answer. Turing Test

2. A Personal Consultant knowledge base contain information in the form of ?

3. An approach to speech recognition avoids the problem caused by the variation in speech patterns among different speakers.

4. A component of an expert system ?

5. A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is ?

6. DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American Artificial Intelligence research, is part of the Department of ?

Answer. Defense

7. What is the action of task environment in artificial intelligence ?

Answer. Problem

8. What is the expansion if PEAS in task environment ?

9. What kind of observing environments are present in artificial intelligence ?

10. What kind of environment is strategic in artificial intelligence ?

11. What kind of environment is crossword puzzle ?

Answer. Static