1. Which particular generation of computers is associated with artificial intelligence ?

A. Second
B. Fourth
C. Fifth
D. Third

Answer. Fifth

2. Shaping teaching techniques to fit the learning patterns of individual students is the goal of ?

3. Which of the following function returns t If the object is a symbol m LISP ?

a) " * "
b) symbolp
c) nonnumeric
d) constantp

Answer. symbolp

4. The symbols used in describing the syntax of a programming language are ?

Answer. <>

5. Ambiguity may be caused by ?

6. A company offers the LISP machine considered "the most powerful symbolic processor available".

Answer. Symbolics

7. What is the primary interactive method of communication used by humans ?

8. Elementary linguistic units that are smaller than words are ?

Answer. phonemes

9. In LISP, the atom that stands for "true" is ?

Answer. t

10. A mouse device may be ?

11. An expert system differs from a database program in that only an expert system ?

12. Arthur Samuel is linked inextricably with a program that played ?

Answer. football