1. Which could be the approaches to Artificial Intelligence ?

1. Strong Artificial Intelligence
2. Applied Artificial Intelligence
3. Weak Artificial Intelligence
4. All of the above

2. An Artificial Neural Network Is based on ?

3. The Face Recognition system is based on ?

4. A completely automated chess engine is based on ?

5. A basic line following robot is based on ?

6. Which of the following task/tasks Artificial Intelligence could not do yet ?

1. Understand natural language robustly
2. Construction of plans in real time dynamic systems
3. Web mining
4. All of the above

7. A computer program that contains expertise in a particular domain is called ?

8. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving ?

9. What was originally called the "imitation game" by its creator ?

10. Decision support programs are designed to help managers make ?

11. Programming a robot by physically moving it through the trajectory you want it to follow is called ?