1. In LISP, the function returns the list that results after the first element is removed is ?

Answer. cdr

2. Which is contain the output segments of Artificial Intelligence programming ?

A. printed language and synthesized speech
B. Manipulation of physical object
C. Locomotion
D. All of the above

3. LISP was created by ?

Answer. John McCarthy

4. Expert Ease was developed under the direction of ?

Answer. Donald Michie

5. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an interactive dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world .

Answer. SHRDLU

6. An algorithm is used as online search algorithm.

7. A search algorithm will use limited amount of memory.

8. What is meant by simulated annealing in artificial intelligence ?

9. How the new states are generated in genetic algorithm ?

10. A method is effective for escaping from local minima.